Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Sorry I have not posted in awhile. I've been in California on a wonderful beach vacation. :D

Back to the blog:
A style I absoultely love... METALLIC!

Below are some mirrors that are easy to include in your decor.

Vases can also add a pop to any room in your house, with or without plants.

If you are really daring and wanna feel like a queen, include metallic chairs in your home. Gold or silver they WILL make a statement!

My favorite/easiest way to add a little metallic to your home (also a great gifting idea)- Throw Pillows.


Could you use some metallic?

follow on twitter- @HobbiesForHome

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Need Some Closet Space?

Hope everyone is having a wonderful day! I figured out last night that I might be a shoe hoarder. NO PROBLEM! I found this fantastic shoe/storage carousel at Wal-Mart for $15.00. This is one of the best inventions for storage I have seen in a long time. The Smart Carousel Organizer has 40 pockets, 5 shelves, and spins 360 degrees! I could not believe the amount of weight the carousel could actually hold and still turn with ease. I have managed to fit shoes, belts, bags, and hats into mine.

This product is sold other places, such as Bed Bath and Beyond. You can also find a two pack of 3 shelf, 24 pockets organizers for right around $18.  

So if  you need help organizing your closet to fit more, get a Smart Carousel Organizer and start using that closet space wisely! Your friends may even be impressed.

Follow on Twitter- @HobbieForHome

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

How About A Pillow Update??

Hello everyone!

I recently moved into a new home and found myself with some new furniture- in which my decorative throw pillows did not fit in. My pillows were still in great shape, as they were only about a year and a half old. (if that) Being the bargain shopper I tend to be, I looked at the route of throw pillow COVERS. To my surprise.. there are some GREAT options out there and all range in the "affordable" zone.

Here are some options-
Great for textiles!
Needing just a plain look? $4.00/each
Perfect for any room! $8.00/each
I already had a pillow this size so this pillow worked perfectly with my white/tan bedding. $7.00 a piece and they even have matching curtains that are customizable to any length for $29.99/pair of 2.
One of my favorite places to just go browse around and see what other people are creating.  

Simple. $20.00/each

Makes a statement. $35.00/each

Customizable. $16.00/each

Bed, Bath, and Beyond
Make sure you check your local ad for 15% off [or] $5 off coupon.


There are tons of other places that sell throw pillow covers. These are just a few.
Just a tip- if you do not have existing or want to add more throw pillows- you can always by the inserts! 

Keep checking in for more ideas, tips, and great designs.

Follow on Twitter- @HobbiesForHome